With End-of-Year testing approaching, I am finding creative ways to assist teachers in third, fourth and fifth grades, to practice and enhance writing skills using technology. With all teachers and students in Canyons School District having access to CSDDocs, I found it most appropriate to utilize this tool in teaching writing skills. I am working with my teachers and their students, at Willow Canyon, East Sandy and Quail Hollow, on ways to incorporate writing throughout their curriculum using CSDDocs. To begin, students are creating an electronic writing journal and sharing the document with their teacher. The teacher can then help the student edit their work by using the 'comments feature' in CSDDocs. This journal allows a quick write format and can be done as a whole class or in small practice stations in the classrooms. The next step in scaffolding instruction, is to have students read an article and write a short essay, using facts from the article and then type in in CSDDocs. The final step I am supporting my teachers is sharing articles through CSDDocs and having their students read the article, highlight information that will be used in a writing piece and to edit their final project. These steps will be used to help support what the students will be expected to do on the End-of-Year Testing and to further develop their writing skills. Below is the training piece I am using to incorporate Reading Street into this process:
Mini Lesson and Quick Write for Fluency (Day 1):
Step One: Electronic Writing Journal for Quick Writes
Step Two: Provide feedback to guide editing process using comments feature
*Question of the Week, ELL Poster, Read Aloud Anthology, the concept talk video
Retelling: Think Critically (Day 3):
Step One: Electronic Retell Journal for Quick Writes
Step Two: Provide feedback to guide editing process using comments feature
Let’s Write It: Different Genres (Day 3)
Step One: Electronic Write It Journal for Quick Writes
Step Two: Provide feedback to guide editing process using comments feature
Additional Steps: (Vary) Follow guide and rubric from Reading Street Teacher Manual
Unit Writing: Guided Practice to Produce a Published Piece (Writing Guide in back of manual)
(Plan and Prewrite, Draft, Revise, Edit, Publish and Present)
Part One:
Step One: Gather printed sources to use as a reference to create a four square graphic organizer- practice highlighting
Step Two: Use four square as a graphic organizer to type an essay in CSDDocs
Step Three: Provide feedback to guide editing process using comments feature
Step Four: Students edit essay in CSDDocs and Publish
Part Two:
Step One: Provide variety or articles electronically in CSDDocs
Step Two: Use four square as a graphic organizer to type an essay in CSDDocs
Step Three: Provide feedback to guide editing process using comments feature
Step Four: Students edit essay in CSDDocs and Publish